How to simulate six degrees of separation in

The simulation results are consistent with the theoretical results of the decentralized search algorithm. The algorithm is able to find the target node in a reasonable amount of time, even if the graph is large and complex. The algorithm is also able to handle errors in the graph.

Six degrees of separation

Steps on how to simulate six degrees of separation in

  1. Import the necessary libraries.
  2. Load the Multi-scale Attributed Node Embedding dataset.
  3. Create a graph object.
  4. Add the nodes and edges from the dataset to the graph.
  5. Calculate the shortest path between two nodes.
  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for a large number of pairs of nodes.
  7. Plot the distribution of shortest path lengths.

The results of the simulation will show that the vast majority of pairs of nodes are connected by a path of six or fewer edges. This is consistent with the theory of six degrees of separation, which states that any two people in the world are connected by a chain of six or fewer acquaintances.

How to simulate six degrees of separation in

The output of the simulation will be a histogram of the shortest path lengths between pairs of nodes. The histogram will show that the vast majority of pairs of nodes are connected by a path of six or fewer edges. 

The vast majority of pairs of nodes are connected by a path of 5 or fewer edges. This is consistent with the theory of six degrees of separation, which states that any two people in the world are connected by a chain of six or fewer acquaintances.

It is interesting to note that the histogram has a long tail extending to 100. This means that there are a small number of pairs of nodes that are connected by a path of 100 or more edges. These pairs of nodes are likely to be very different from each other, and they may not even be aware of each other’s existence.

Watts-Strogatz model

Steps on how to simulate the Watts-Strogatz model in

  1. Import the necessary libraries.
  2. Load the Multi-scale Attributed Node Embedding dataset.
  3. Create a graph object.
  4. Set the number of neighbors for each node.
  5. Rewire the edges with a given probability.
  6. Calculate the clustering coefficient and average path length of the graph.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for a range of rewiring probabilities.
  8. Plot the clustering coefficient and average path length as a function of the rewiring probability.

The results of the simulation will show that the clustering coefficient and average path length of the graph change as the rewiring probability changes. When the rewiring probability is 0, the graph is a regular ring lattice. As the rewiring probability increases, the graph becomes more and more random. The clustering coefficient decreases as the graph becomes more random, and the average path length increases.

How to simulate six degrees of separation in

The results of the simulation show that the clustering coefficient and average path length of the graph change as the rewiring probability changes. When the rewiring probability is 0, the graph is a regular ring lattice. This is a network where all nodes are connected to their nearest neighbors. As the rewiring probability increases, the graph becomes more and more random. The clustering coefficient decreases as the graph becomes more random, and the average path length increases.

This is because as the rewiring probability increases, the number of long-range connections in the graph increases. This makes it easier for information to travel from one part of the graph to another, but it also makes the graph less clustered.

Decentralized search

Steps on how to simulate decentralized search in

  1. Import the necessary libraries.
  2. Load the Multi-scale Attributed Node Embedding dataset.
  3. Create a graph object.
  4. Create a list of nodes to be searched.
  5. Initialize a dictionary to store the results of the search.
  6. Start a loop that iterates over the list of nodes to be searched.
  7. For each node in the list, do the following:
    • If the node has already been searched, skip it.
    • Otherwise, add the node to the list of nodes to be searched.
    • For each neighbor of the node, do the following:
      • If the neighbor has not been searched, add it to the list of nodes to be searched.
      • If the neighbor is the target node, stop the loop.
  8. Return the list of nodes that were searched.

The results of the simulation will show that the decentralized search algorithm is able to find the target node in a reasonable amount of time. The algorithm is also able to find the target node even if the graph is large and complex.

How to simulate six degrees of separation in

The outcome of the simulation is that the decentralized search algorithm is able to find the target node in a reasonable amount of time, even if the graph is large and complex. The algorithm is able to find the target node by dividing the graph into smaller sub-graphs and then searching each sub-graph independently. The algorithm is also able to handle errors in the graph.