How to Read JSON Data in PHP using jQuery Ajax

Hi, today we will see How to Read JSON Data using jQuery in PHP, recently i have posted a tutorial about Converting MySQL data into JSON string, as you all know that JSON is easy to understand and light-weight data interchanging format between browsers and servers, so we will see how to read json files and how to read json data, and how to parse json into HTML Table, sometimes we need to get this type of data and it’s useful to create restful API’s, so let’s get stared.

How to Read JSON Data in PHP using jQuery Ajax Example

Read also : Convert MySQL Data into JSON

Demo Data

following is the demo mysql data for the tutorial purpose, we will convert these mysql rows into json format, so copy paste the following data into your PHPMyAdmin.

-- Database: `codingcage`

-- --------------------------------------------------------

-- Table structure for table `tbl_posts`

  `postTitle` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  `postUrl` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`postID`)

-- Dumping data for table `tbl_posts`

INSERT INTO `tbl_posts` (`postID`, `postTitle`, `postUrl`) VALUES
(1, 'Simple jQuery Add, Update, Delete with PHP and MySQL', ''),
(2, '15 Free Bootstrap Admin Themes Demo and Download', ''),
(3, 'Easy Ajax Image Upload with jQuery, PHP', ''),
(4, 'How to Send HTML Format eMails in PHP using PHPMailer', ''),
(5, 'Ajax Bootstrap Signup Form with jQuery PHP and MySQL', ''),
(6, 'Submit PHP Form without Page Refresh using jQuery, Ajax', ''),
(7, 'How to Convert MySQL Rows into JSON Format in PHP', ''),
(8, 'Designing Bootstrap Signup Form with jQuery Validation', ''),
(9, 'Upload, Insert, Update, Delete an Image using PHP MySQL', ''),
(10, 'Login Registration with Email Verification, Forgot Password using PHP', '');

JSON jQuery Syntax

this is the JSON Parsing jQuery syntax which has three parameters, first one is url for calling and getting PHP or JSON file, and the data is object or a string that is sent to the server with the request, and the success is just a callback executed when request succedd, hence we can also use $.ajax() method to get the same thing.

$.getJSON(url, data, success);

Sample JavaScript

the following code is the complete javascript code which calls php file and and parse the json data into html table. as i explained above $.getJSON() methods takes the url parameter and calls the getjson.php file, and php file contains JSON data.

 var url="getjson.php";

  $.each(data.tutorials, function(i,post){
  var newRow =
  +"<td><a href='"+post.postUrl+"'>Visit</a></td>"
  +"</tr>" ;

HTML table

HTML table, here in this table JSON data are going to be parsed and displayed. we need to give the id of this table in the javascript part id=”json-data”

<table id="json-data" class="table table-bordered table-hover">
<th>Post Title</th>
<th>Post Url</th>

Sample PHP Code

this is simple PHP code which converts MySQL rows into JSON format, we have already posted this tutorial. using json_encode() we can convert it easily. and i have taken here the main root object as “tutorial”.


 require_once 'db.php';
 $posts = array();
 $query = "SELECT * FROM tbl_posts";
 $stmt = $db_con->prepare($query);
 while($row=$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
  $posts['tutorials'][] = $row;
 echo json_encode($posts);

Database Connection


 $db_hostname = "localhost";
 $db_user = "root";
 $db_password = "";
 $db_name = "codingcage";
  $db_con = new PDO("mysql:host={$db_hostname};dbname={$db_name}",$db_user,$db_password);
 }catch(PDOException $x){

Read JSON file

following is the sample data of above created table converted into JSON file as “getposts.json”, now let’s have a look how to read json files. simple just replace the php file with json file, that’s it.
you can validate your JSON Format using : JSON Validator

 "tutorials": [{
  "postID": "1",
  "postTitle": "Simple jQuery Add, Update, Delete with PHP and MySQL",
  "postUrl": ""
 }, {
  "postID": "2",
  "postTitle": "15 Free Bootstrap Admin Themes Demo and Download",
  "postUrl": ""
 }, {
  "postID": "3",
  "postTitle": "Easy Ajax Image Upload with jQuery, PHP",
  "postUrl": ""
 }, {
  "postID": "4",
  "postTitle": "How to Send HTML Format eMails in PHP using PHPMailer",
  "postUrl": ""
 }, {
  "postID": "5",
  "postTitle": "Ajax Bootstrap Signup Form with jQuery PHP and MySQL",
  "postUrl": ""
 }, {
  "postID": "6",
  "postTitle": "Submit PHP Form without Page Refresh using jQuery, Ajax",
  "postUrl": ""
 }, {
  "postID": "7",
  "postTitle": "How to Convert MySQL Rows into JSON Format in PHP",
  "postUrl": ""
 }, {
  "postID": "8",
  "postTitle": "Designing Bootstrap Signup Form with jQuery Validation",
  "postUrl": ""
 }, {
  "postID": "9",
  "postTitle": "Upload, Insert, Update, Delete an Image using PHP MySQL",
  "postUrl": ""
 }, {
  "postID": "10",
  "postTitle": "Login Registration with Email Verification, Forgot Password using PHP",
  "postUrl": ""

replace php file with json file like this. url=”getposts.json”;

var url="getposts.json";

  $.each(data.tutorials, function(i,post){
  var newRow =
  +"<td><a href='"+post.postUrl+"'>Visit</a></td>"
  +"</tr>" ;

JSON Parsed HTML Output

here’s JSON data are parsed into HTML table data.

Parsed HTML outpot of JSON

Read using $.ajax()

as i told we can parse it using $.ajax() also, so following is the example code using $.ajax(), it will give the same output as above.

  url: 'getjson.php',
  dataType: 'json',
  $.each(data.tutorials, function(i,post){
  var newRow =
  +"<td><a href='"+post.postUrl+"'>Visit</a></td>"
  +"</tr>" ;
  alert('fail parsing');

Hope, you guys like this post please do share with your friends, and do let me know if you have any question related any tutorials.
that’s it, Happy Coding 🙂